Dynamics of the Early Church Part 1 - Charles

The Church of Jesus Christ was "officially birthed" about 33 AD, on the day of Pentecost, with the mighty outpouring (baptism) of the Holy Spirit.  Acts 2...

In the Book of Acts, Dr Luke gives us an accurate historical and spiritual account of the early Church, detailing the mighty works of the Holy Ghost amongst the Apostles, believers and non-believers.

Interestingly, the words Holy Ghost and Spirit are used 69 x's, whereas the word Apostle is only used 31 x's in Acts.

The Book of Acts could well be called the Acts of the Holy Spirit instead of the Acts of the Apostles. 

The Holy Spirit through the believers in the early Church was a dynamic force (living entity) in the community. 

The church was growing on a daily basis with conversions, water baptisms, miracles, signs and wonders. 

The Church was on the move.

Even the persecutions against the Church didn't deter the Christians. They grew strong in God and they grew in numbers. 

60 + years later, the Apostle John "wrote" the book of Revelation (that was about 96 AD). 

And, sadly the Church which was meant to bring change... had itself "changed." 

In chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, we read that Jesus sent 7 letters to 7 Churches identifying some very concerning spiritual issues within each of the congregations.  

Jesus Commends, Admonishes, Recommends and Encourages. (CARE)

"I know your works," says He, "with eyes that were as a flame of fire." 

"He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the Churches." 

Jesus tells each Church, listen to and follow the leading and teaching of the Holy Spirit! 

Jesus' words of exhortation to the churches were: 

• return to your first love

• persevere under persecution... hang in there! 

• don't compromise with the world 

• keep away from paganism and idolatry

• be watchful, diligent, hold fast to what you have

• be a loyal ambassador for Christ

• be committed and fervent in your walk with God... have a repentant heart. 

Another 2 000 + years down the track, and the Church overall is in a sad state of gross 'apostasy.'  

It seems to have "lost its way," "lost its drive" and "lost its light bearing influence." 

The priorities of the modern church is... 

to have mega churches, gungho programs, loud head banging entertainment, an emphasis on being successful and prosperous with the blab it and grab it - name it and claim it doctrines and... a focus on self... (the only focus on self should be who we are in Christ)

The Church appears to be neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm. 

The Church says it is "rich and increased with goods and has need of nothing"... yet Jesus says it is "wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked!" (Spiritual leanness)

The saddest thing is... we have a picture here with Jesus standing outside the Church... His Church... knocking to gain admission. - Revelation 3:20...

So what has been responsible for this "spiritual decline" over the last two millennia? 

How did it happen? 

What WAS the early Church like in the beginning?  

When we study the Book of Acts, we can see how the early church functioned.  

A study of the whole Book of Acts would be ideal.

I hope you will do this yourself.

Acts is the most readable book in the Bible and is very easy to understand.

The Book of Acts is directly linked to all the epistles written by Paul.

So... what were the Apostles and believers doing back then?

What "dynamics" were evident then that activated the Holy Spirit to move so mightily, that...

• "souls were being added to the church daily"... 

• "and many signs and wonders were done by the Apostles." 

People were being challenged, people were being saved, people were being healed, people were being delivered from demons; miracles, signs and wonders were all a common occurrence...

Has God changed His mind about the Church since then? 

Somehow, I don't think so. Something is amiss!!  

Something appears to have been "lost" or "changed" over time.