Parable of the Trees Part 2 - Adele

Jotham told them a parable/fable.

Greek fables used the animal kingdom, but Hebrew fables and parables used the vegetable kingdom. Although this is called a parable, it is more accurately a fable. it is only one if two fables in the Bible. The other is in 2 Kings 14:9-10 and another account of the same incident is in 2 Chronicles 25:18-19.

A fable is a short story in which animals or objects speak a story, to teach a moral or religious lesson. A parable is a short story designed to teach a moral or religious lesson. eg. The parable of the unforgiving servant. Matt 18:21-30.

Parable of the Trees Part 1 - Adele

The Back Story - Judges 9:7-15

Since entering into the promised land, Israel had had a series of leaders but not a King. It was clearly understood that God was their King which made them different from all the other nations, All the other nations had gods and kings. Israel had a God who was their King. After the death of Joshua, it wasn’t long before the people forsook God and served the Baals. This was to be a pattern that would be repeated again and again. When the people rejected God and did what was right in their own eyes, God would give them over to their enemies. Their enemies would defeat them and oppress them. Eventually the people would cry out to God for deliverance and God would raise up a ‘Judge’ to deliver them. They would have prosperity for a while and then they would revert to idolatry again and the cycle would repeat.

Dynamics of the Early Church Part 3 - Charles

(5) They were COMM(UNITY) minded.

The believers were comm(unity) minded, with the emphasis on unity... oneness... solidarity.

Their hearts were knit together... one passion ☆ Acts 2:44 and 46...

The Scriptures say... One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God.

☆ Ephesians 4:4-6...

The phrase 'of one accord' is used 13x's in Acts. ☆ Philippians 2:2...

Dynamics of the Early Church Part 2 - Charles

There are 15 dynamics (active characteristics) that I see at work in the Early Church in the Book of Acts... each one starting with the letter "C".

"In the beginning" the disciples tarried (waited) in the upper room in Jerusalem (as Jesus commanded them to) until they were baptized in and filled with the Holy Ghost and fire.

The Church was birthed in prayer...with 120 believers, in one accord, in an upper room in Jerusalem for at least 10 solid days... praying!

The central text I want to use is... Acts 2:42-47...

Dynamics of the Early Church Part 1 - Charles

The Church of Jesus Christ was "officially birthed" about 33 AD, on the day of Pentecost, with the mighty outpouring (baptism) of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2...

In the Book of Acts, Dr Luke gives us an accurate historical and spiritual account of the early Church, detailing the mighty works of the Holy Ghost amongst the Apostles, believers and non-believers.

Interestingly, the words Holy Ghost and Spirit are used 69 x's, whereas the word Apostle is only used 31 x's in Acts.

Teamwork - Conclusion - Adele

The Church of Jesus Christ was "officially birthed" about 33 AD, on the day of Pentecost, with the mighty outpouring (baptism) of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2...

In the Book of Acts, Dr Luke gives us an accurate historical and spiritual account of the early Church, detailing the mighty works of the Holy Ghost amongst the Apostles, believers and non-believers.

Interestingly, the words Holy Ghost and Spirit are used 69 x's, whereas the word Apostle is only used 31 x's in Acts.

Teamwork - No 3 Commitment - Adele

For any endeavour to succeed, you need committed people to work at it.

There is no greater endeavour than fulfilling the Great Commission.

And the Great Commission will be carried out by committed followers of Christ

Commitment is not a gift, or talent, it is a character trait.

Some people find it easy, while others find it hard. But it is something everyone can develop.

Teamwork - No 2 Adaptability - Adele

For any endeavour to succeed, you need committed people to work at it.

There is no greater endeavour than fulfilling the Great Commission.

And the Great Commission will be carried out by committed followers of Christ

Commitment is not a gift, or talent, it is a character trait.

Some people find it easy, while others find it hard. But it is something everyone can develop.

Teamwork No 1 - Introduction - Adele

This next series of teaching builds on the Discipleship and Ministry previously given. It makes the assumption that you are growing in the basic disciplines and discovering and exercising your ministry. If you don’t have the material, a set of notes can be provided. If needed, an explanation of the notes can also be given.

We move from Discipleship and Ministry to Teamwork.

Jesus never looked for a successor, He looked for a team.

Teamwork - Preface - Adele

This next series of teaching builds on the Discipleship and Ministry previously given. It makes the assumption that you are growing in the basic disciplines and discovering and exercising your ministry. If you don’t have the material, a set of notes can be provided. If needed, an explanation of the notes can also be given.

We move from Discipleship and Ministry to Teamwork.

Jesus never looked for a successor, He looked for a team.